The Fingask Follies completed their 28th Season to rapturous applause in Scotland, England and Geneva. We are taking bookings in May 2025 when our show will be all about water: “EAU YES!” water matters
Highlights from 'HEAVENLY BODIES' our 28th season!
One of Scotland’s musical institutions: touring all over Britain and abroad: British Embassy in Paris. The Follies are a full evenings entertainment, on an original theme each year, drinks before Act 1, 35 minutes of live and original singing (no microphones) , then an hour for dinner, either a picnic in our covered pavilion, or a slap up served meal in the castle, then Act 2, 50 more minutes of song and pleasure followed by coffee and pudding wine.
Hurrah for the Follies: you add to the sum of human happiness - Alexander McCall Smith
For 25 years the Fingask Follies have entertained thousands with their politically, and socially incorrect, entertainments. Not elite, or elitist, just live entertainment not approved of by professors or grant givers (sadly!). The idea that any food that granny liked is good food, might also be true of entertainment. Granny would have liked the Follies. ‘You will leave the Follies humming an old tune, and thinking a new thought’. This is a musical entertainment with 5 professional singers and a pianist. Most of the music is tuneful, we hope the words are audible, entertaining, and sometimes intriguing, We borrow hugely from 20th and 21st c musicals, while a decent proportion of our material is original, commissioned or volunteered by professionals or enthusiasts.
The mantra of the organisers is ’All entertainment lasts too long’. We hope guests leave the Follies thinking’ We would have like a little more of that’. The grandchildren often stay behind carousing until 2.00 am in our pavilion, and sometimes your grumpy host will shove them away at 3.00 am!